What is an Ed.D. in Special Education?
Ed.D. programs in Special Education help education practitioners train for special education leadership roles in public & private institutions. You may wish to pursue an education doctorate in special education in order to:
- Close the gap between research & practice in the field of special education
- Acquire leadership skills for advanced professional practice
- Develop expertise in a particular area (e.g. autism, early intervention, dyslexia, etc.)
- Learn how to design practical, research-driven interventions & systems
- Foster meaningful improvements in the lives & education of individuals with disabilities
Although the Ed.D. in Special Education is primarily aimed at special education teachers and administrators, it may also appeal to curriculum specialists, education technology specialists, and K-12 administrators (e.g. Principal). Some graduates go on to found their own schools.
Ed.D. in Special Education Rankings
Our rankings of the 10 best online doctoral programs in special education are based on practical concerns. In addition to considering factors like national reputation, we were determined to find you special ed doctorates that resulted in an increase in earnings. So we came up with an algorithm that awards points in two main areas:
- Quality: Schools with high U.S. News & World Report and Times Higher Education (THE) rankings received a boost. We also awarded points to any university that appears in our own Best Ed.D. rankings.
- Results: Our algorithm also factors in IPEDS student completion rates, acceptance rates, and earnings for education doctorate graduates. Schools that produced alumni with high median salaries ranked higher than those with low salaries.
We were willing to consider any accredited online doctorate that featured special education, either as the primary major or a concentration within a leadership degree. We also allowed executive-style and hybrid Ed.D. options, as long as the campus requirements weren’t too onerous. However, we automatically excluded for-profit universities.
Rankings Update: 2025 Insights
To help you make a decision, we’ve created detailed profiles of each school and doctorate. This will give you a quick read on the strengths of the College of Education in special education and some initial ideas for your dissertation/capstone project! Here are a few insider tips from our analysis of 2025 online special education Ed.D. programs:
- The top 7 schools in our rankings are Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) members. That’s excellent news. CPED members have made a commitment to action-based research and applied learning.
- Watch out for synchronous, real-time elements! Many top-tier online Ed.D. programs will want you to attend virtual sessions at set times (e.g. one night per week). If you’re in a different time zone, you’ll have to plan carefully.
- A number of special ed doctorates will give you the option to pursue certifications (e.g. Behavior Analyst) and endorsements (e.g. Autism Spectrum, DOSE, etc.). However, out-of-state students will need to check with their home state on whether coursework will be accepted.
- Each university has peculiar strengths. For example, the University of Florida is very strong in the intersection of ECE & special education. Think about how you can take advantage of faculty passions and existing research centers to make your degree even more marketable after graduation.
2025’s Best Schools with Online Ed.D. in Special Education Programs
1University of Florida
Delivery: 100% Online
Credits: 60-70
Length: 4 Years
Minimum Program Cost: $32,925 (In-State); $41,237 (Out-of-State)
UF’s Special Education Ed.D. Overview
For special education professionals, UF’s College of Education is—hands-down—the best pick in the country for an online doctorate. In addition to achieving stellar national rankings in the field of special ed, the College oversees the Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, which emphasizes inclusive practices for young children with disabilities. Faculty have also found funding for a number of innovative special education projects (especially in early childhood).
We’re particularly impressed with the way it’s been structured. The Online Ed.D. in Special Education is a part-time, cohort-based program that takes 4 years to complete. To keep the workload manageable, Ed.D. students take 6 credits/2 courses per semester. The degree is 100% online, with both asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities. So be sure to plan for some real-time sessions on Eastern Time (ET).
The cherry on the top? UF has been an Experienced CPED member since 2007. That means the curriculum features a Dissertation in Practice (DiP) and an emphasis on professional competencies. You’ll be able to select an area of specialization in a topic such as dyslexia, early childhood, disabilities in society, or special education teacher leadership. Plus you can add 9 credits of electives. For ideas, see the Graduate Catalog and look for courses with the special education prefix EEX.
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2University of Pittsburgh
Delivery: Hybrid with Monthly In-Person Classes
Credits: 60
Length: 3 Years
Minimum Program Cost: $64,380
Pitt’s Special Education Ed.D. Overview
Even though this doctorate features in-person elements, we couldn’t leave Pitt off! The School of Education has an excellent reputation in the Pennsylvania area and an abiding interest in urban education. A number of faculty act as research scientists in the interdisciplinary Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC). Others publish extensively. Read through the bios of Special & Gifted Education professors to learn more about their passions—you may want their help with your final project.
As Pitt points out, the Hybrid Ed.D. in Special Education is a blend of online courses and one Saturday seminar per month on-campus. There’s also a virtual spring orientation and an in-person, week-long “on-ramp” session in the first summer. If you can manage the visits, you’ll be enrolled in a cohort-based doctorate that takes 3 years/8 semesters to complete. And you’ll be safe in the knowledge that Pitt has been an Experienced CPED member since 2010.
Unusually for an online doctorate, Pitt’s Ed.D. includes both a Scholarly Practice Project and a Laboratory of Practice (e.g. job-embedded internship, global studies, or apprenticeship). Good news for anyone wanting hands-on experiences! You’ll also be able to select a specialization from the following special ed topics: applied behavioral analysis; autism; blindness, vision impairment, or orientation and mobility; early intervention; emotional and behavioral disorders; or learning disabilities.
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3University of Alabama
Delivery: 100% Online
Credits: 72
Length: 3 Years or Longer
Minimum Program Cost: $32,400
UA’s Special Education Ed.D. Overview
Affordability is a big plus for the University of Alabama! But there’s more to UA than just the low price. The College of Education has a dedicated Department of Special Education with strengths in a number of realms, including severe disabilities. Faculty have had a hand in initiatives like Project RIIPL (training special education leaders for rural settings) and Project Intensity (early literacy intervention for elementary students with intellectual and developmental disabilities). And UA even funds its own ECE RISE Center for children with varying abilities.
The 100% Online Ed.D. in Special Education can be completed in 3 years, including summers (6-9 credit hours per semester). However, if you’d like more room to breathe, you can go at your own pace. The program is 72 credits—60 credits of coursework and 12 credits of dissertation research—so be prepared for hard work. Like many top-notch doctorates, UA’s Ed.D. features both asynchronous and synchronous coursework. Real-time sessions take place one night per week (Central Time).
Take a good look at the curriculum and the specialization tracks before you make a decision. UA has particular strengths in autism, ECE, gifted education, leadership in special ed, and collaborative special ed. Better still, you can select your own credits for the educational foundations section of the degree. Topics range from sociology and lifespan development to play therapy and computer based instruction. It’s also worth noting that UA has been an Implementing CPED member since 2024.
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4Drexel University
Delivery: 100% Online
Credits: 60.5-61.5
Length: 3-5 Years
Minimum Program Cost: $90,716
Drexel’s Special Education Ed.D. Overview
Special education leadership is the name of the game with Drexel. The School of Education has its own Department of Policy, Organization, and Leadership (POL) and it has been bullish on areas like equity and social justice. Autism is also a key strength. The university’s A.J. Drexel Autism Institute is the first autism research center in the U.S. to focus on public health research in autism, including work in early intervention. The only downside? Drexel is expensive. See the tuition section for info on discounts.
Unlike doctorates that focus exclusively on special ed, Drexel’s 100% Online Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Management – Special Education Leadership is designed for those who want to take charge. The core of the program is centered on educational leadership. You’ll be enrolled in a cohort and work to finish your degree in 3-5 years on a part-time basis. To help you succeed, Drexel can match you with a mentor/alumnus in the first year through its unique Ed.D. Mentoring and Coaching (MAC) program.
Another bonus? In the curriculum section, Drexel notes that its special ed leadership concentration can lead to Pennsylvania Supervisor of Special Education Certification. This track includes 4 internship experiences. However, you’re at liberty to choose the non-certification track and focus on areas such as instructional & curriculum leadership in special ed, school law & policy in special ed, and related topics. Drexel has been an Experienced CPED member since 2015, so the degree culminates in a Dissertation in Practice (DiP).
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5Illinois State University
Delivery: 100% Online
Credits: 66
Length: ~3 Years
Minimum Program Cost: $55,968 (In-State & Bordering); $101,028 (Out-of-State)
Illinois State’s Special Education Ed.D. Overview
Illinois State is one of our top picks for Midwesterners, especially folks who are working in the intersection of special ed and technology. The College of Education funds the Special Education Assistive Technology (SEAT) Center for disabled, Deaf, and Hard of Hearing youth in schools and communities. But it’s also a good choice for anyone working in autism—the ASD Professional Learning & Universal Support Project (A+) is actively assisting the Illinois State Board of Education in addressing behavior needs.
The Online Ed.D. in Special Education lives within the Department of Special Education, one of the largest special education schools in the country. It’s a 100% online doctorate that we’re estimating would take ~3 years to complete in a standard plan of study. Illinois State has been Experienced CPED member since 2010, so your dissertation might take the form of a traditional 5-chapter dissertation, a DiP, or 3 peer-reviewed manuscripts for journal publication.
The Special Education Doctoral Student Handbook contains a full list of required courses and electives. The curriculum covers a number of administrative issues, including personnel preparation, legal & policy issues, and program evaluation in special education. In fact, Ed.D. students can pursue endorsement as a Director of Special Education (DOSE), but they will need to take additional courses in order to qualify.
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6Kent State University
Delivery: 100% Online
Credits: 72
Length: 3 Years
Minimum Program Cost: $31,400 + Fees (In-State); $32,600 + Fees (Out-of-State)
KSU’s Special Education Ed.D. Overview
Another great option for the budget conscious! Within KSU’s College of Education, Health and Human Services lives a strong assortment of special education programs and the dedicated Center for Disability Inclusion. The university runs its own special education forum—the annual Badar-Kauffman Conference (BKC)—and special education faculty have their hands in a number of intriguing research topics.
Just keep in mind that the 100% Online Ed.D. in Interprofessional Leadership – Special Education is, first and foremost, a leadership doctorate. Special education is only available as a concentration. You’ll be enrolled in a cohort, starting in the summer. And you’ll be able to finish your doctorate in 3 years. See the Ed.D. roadmap for a recommended plan of study.
Wondering if it’s focused enough? We highly recommend a quick visit to the University Catalog—detailed course descriptions are available. The concentration contains four courses that address areas like legal & policy foundations, analysis of literature, and contemporary issues in special education. However, you’ll also be able to use your Dissertation in Practice to explore an area of particular interest. KSU has been an Implementing CPED member since 2010.
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7University of North Dakota
Delivery: 100% Online
Credits: 60
Length: 3 Years
Minimum Program Cost: $37,650
UND’s Special Education Ed.D. Overview
Although it’s not a research powerhouse, the CAEP-accredited UND College of Education and Human Development is a solid choice for an alma mater. The College has developed a unique Special Education Resident Teacher Program (SERTP) for master’s students and it runs the largest graduate program for special education teachers in the Midwest. Use the Teaching, Leadership & Professional Practice (TLPP) faculty profiles to learn more about special ed professors.
In the program description, UND notes that the 100% Online Ed.D. in Educational Practice & Leadership – Special Education (SPED) is specifically designed for aspiring educational diagnosticians or leaders who are working with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This 3-year doctorate is labeled as 90 credits, but up to 30 credits can be transferred from your master’s degree. Coursework will involve both asynchronous learning and synchronous, real-time elements.
There are some stimulating ideas lurking in the curriculum! SPED students can choose the Educational Diagnostician track (with an internship) or a comprehensive 33-credit ASD track with work that spans everything from current medical issues to assessment & early intervention. See the SPED course descriptions for more info. UND has been a Designing & Developing CPED member since 2021, so you can also expect a Dissertation in Practice (DiP) and an internship in educational research.
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8Gwynedd Mercy University
Delivery: Online with 3 In-Person Residencies
Credits: 54
Length: Less Than 3 Years
Minimum Program Cost: $62,586
GMercyU’s Special Education Ed.D. Overview
Aiming for a supervisory or special ed leadership position? GMercyU may be your solution. The College of Arts, Sciences, and Professional Studies doesn’t have a special ed department, but the university runs its own Autism Institute, with an annual conference. It’s doing some fascinating things in integrated studies for individuals aged 18-26 with intellectual disabilities. And, in 2024, it received a Developing Future Special Educators (DFSE) Grant to support future special ed teachers in Pennsylvania.
If you’ve got 3 years of relevant experience and a master’s degree, you’re eligible to apply for GMercyU’s cohort-based Online Accelerated Executive Ed.D. – Leadership in Special Education. Courses are arranged one at a time in 7-week blocks so you’re not overloaded and dissertation support starts from day one. Although most of the coursework is online, there will be 3 in-person residencies—two on the GMercyU campus and the third week-long experience in Ireland.
Course titles for the special ed concentration are laid out in the curriculum section. In addition to a solid slug of leadership & administration training, there’s work in the Neuroscience of Learning and Design Interventions & Assessing Outcomes. Thanks to the practicums, this program meets Supervisor of Special Education certification requirements for Pennysylvania; check with your home state if you live elsewhere.
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9University of West Georgia
Delivery: 100% Online or Hybrid
Credits: 60
Length: 3 Years or More
Minimum Program Cost: $23,480
UWG’s Special Education Ed.D. Overview
You can’t beat the price—this is the most affordable special ed Ed.D. in our rankings! Before applying, pay a visit to the College of Education and its Department of Special Education to learn more about UWG’s strengths. You may find some inspiration for your dissertation within the Early Learning Center (early childhood research) or the Comprehensive Community Clinic (communication sciences and disorders).
As the title suggests, the 100% Online Ed.D. in School Improvement – Special Education is an interdisciplinary doctorate designed for PK-12 educators. The program has two points of entry. Master’s degree holders complete 60 credits and start in the summer. Ed.S. holders tackle 33 credits and can begin in spring or summer. If you live in West Georgia, you even have the option to add a face-to-face elective or core course for a hybrid experience.
Special education crops up as an Area of Concentration (AOC). You might wish to pursue the Autism Endorsement track. Or you could stick to credits in areas like special education program planning & evaluation, curriculum design & implementation, and administration. Put it on your shortlist if you’re looking for a cost-effective and convenient Ed.D. that’s dedicated to improvement research.
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10Nova Southeastern University
Delivery: Online with Virtual Summer Institute
Credits: 55
Length: 3 Years
Minimum Program Cost: $87,835 + Dissertation Fees
NSU’s Special Education Ed.D. Overview
Flexibility is the watchword at NSU! The Department of Education has come up with a doctorate that can be adapted to almost any role, from PK-12 special education teachers and university administrators to independent consultants and disability service providers. The university runs a dedicated Autism Institute, which provides a host of services to PreK children and families. You’ll also find special ed research being conducted in the Marilyn Segal Early Childhood Studies Center.
The Online Ed.D. in Special Education is 100% online. You’ll be required to participate in a Summer Institute, but this is a virtual experience. In a bold move by NSU, you’ll also have the option to choose between an Applied Dissertation or Strategic Research Project (SRP) for your final capstone. To get a sense of how other students have approached this, check out the most recent examples of Ed.D. SRPs.
Then take a close look at the curriculum and details about concentrations. NSU offers tracks in Special Education, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). The Special Education track is focused on leadership & administrative concerns. The ABA track meets ABAI requirements for the Board-Certified Behavior Analyst® or Board-Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst® exam.
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Types of Doctorate in Special Education Programs
Ed.D. in Special Education & Related Fields
The standard education doctorate in this field is the Ed.D. in Special Education. Within our program listings, you’ll find on-campus, hybrid, and online doctorates in special education from public & private universities. Many of the schools are CAEP-accredited.
To distinguish themselves from the herd, a few universities have tweaked the title to be more specific. For example, the University of South Dakota offers an Ed.D. in Director of Special Education.
During your research, you may also come across doctoral programs that do not include the phrase “special education” as part of the major but still address exceptional student communities. Examples of this phenomenon include the:
- Ed.D. in Gifted Education
- Ed.D. in Autism Education
- Ed.D. in Intellectual Disability Education
- Ed.D. in Learning Disability Education
- Ed.D. in Deaf Education
Ed.D. in Special Education: Specializations
If you have a specific job title in mind, you might wish to choose an Ed.D. in Special Education that allows you to pick a concentration in your area of interest. For instance:
- The University of Pittsburgh’s Ed.D. in Special Education has concentrations in applied behavior analysis, autism, early intervention, emotional and behavioral disorders, learning disabilities, severe disabilities, and issues pertaining to vision, mobility, and awareness.
- Webster University’s Ed.D. in Special Education offers specializations in dyslexia, positive behavioral interventions & supports, severe developmental disabilities & autism, and trauma-informed education & intervention.
Some of these concentrations will help prepare you for endorsements and/or national certifications. A number of doctoral programs in special education also include electives, which will allow you to customize the degree to a certain extent.
Ed.D. in Educational Leadership or Teaching: Special Education Concentration
Finally, you could consider doctoral programs in our listings that are rooted in educational leadership or instruction. In this scenario, you would take core coursework in the broader major (e.g. leadership, teaching & learning, curriculum & instruction, school improvement, etc.) alongside concentration credits in special education issues (e.g. development science, program planning, special education law, etc.).
The title says a lot about the doctorate:
- If you’re interested in shaping classroom work and teaching methods, an Ed.D. in Curriculum & Instruction – Special Education may be more useful than an Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership – Special Education.
- On the other hand, if you’re aspiring to serve in an administrative role on the district or state level, you may want to look at Ed.D. programs in Special Education that have a core leadership component.
Ph.D. vs. Ed.D. in Special Education
An Ed.D. in Special Education is often the preferred choice for special education experts who are interested in hands-on leadership roles (e.g. Special Education Director) and education administrator positions. An education doctorate typically focuses on applied learning and real-world training.
A Ph.D. in Special Education may be more appropriate if you wish to get heavily involved in special education research or teach special education at the university-level. For faculty positions, Colleges of Education typically want to see a Ph.D. on your résumé.
- If training the next generation of special education teachers factors heavily into your plans, you can mitigate the Ph.D. effect by making sure you pursue an Ed.D. program that has a strong research coursework component and a traditional dissertation requirement.
- If you can show that your Ed.D. program is just as research-focused as a Ph.D., any misgivings decision-makers might have about the general value of the Ed.D. as a research degree should become less relevant.
We discuss EdD and PhD programs in more detail here.
Earning an Ed.D. in Special Education
Special Education Prerequisites
- Master’s Degree: Applicants are generally expected to hold a master’s degree in special education or a closely related field. An Ed.S. in Special Education or a closely related field will typically grant advanced placement.
- Minimum GPA: The standard minimum GPA is 3.0, although universities with a strong reputation may ask for higher (e.g. 3.25-3.5).
- Teacher Licensure: Teacher licensure is rarely required, but a few schools do expect it (e.g. Kennesaw State).
- Work Experience: Experience requirements vary widely from school to school. However, even schools with no obvious experience requirement are still going to consider it. For example, Nova Southeastern University’s low-residency Ed.D. in Special Education states that a student’s professional background may factor into the final admission decision.
- Additional Requirements: Schools may also want to see a professional résumé, GRE or MAT scores, an autobiographical admissions essay, letters of recommendation, and/or an academic writing sample.
Special Education Coursework
For the Ed.D. in Special Education, it pays to check the curriculum links in our listings. We’ve noticed a huge amount of diversity in special education coursework.
- Some education doctorates in special education are rooted in developmental science. For example, George Washington University’s Ed.D. in Special Education deals with neuroscience, developmental psychology, disability policy, psychometrics, and other issues that define or otherwise affect different categories of exceptionality.
- Some doctoral programs in special education may be concerned with practical leadership issues. For example, the University of Florida’s Ed.D. in Special Education has a core set of credits in areas such as school improvement, historical & theoretical foundations of disability in education, collaborative practice, instructional coaching, and proposal development.
- Some Ed.D. programs in Special Education can help with state endorsements or national certifications. For example, some special education EdD students choose specific focus areas (e.g., Applied Behavior Analysis & Autism) and complete coursework for certification from the Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB).
- Doctorates in special education that spin off from an educational leadership or curriculum & instruction major will obviously contain credits in teaching, learning, and/or general leadership concerns. But there will always be concentration coursework in special education issues.
Bear in mind that all Ed.D. programs will contain a strong research component, including credits in research tools & methods.
Special Education Internship and Fieldwork
Many Ed.D. programs in Special Education require some sort of internship or fieldwork; placements are negotiated with faculty mentors on a case-by-case basis. Usually this work involves training & learning in programs that serve special education students.
Special Education Dissertation
Every Ed.D. program in Special Education is going to include a traditional dissertation (similar to the Ph.D.), a Dissertation in Practice (DiP), or a capstone project that addresses a problem of practice. We talk more about the differences between these options in our guide to No Dissertation Ed.D. Programs.
For instance, the University of Pittsburgh’s Ed.D. in Special Education contains a Guidance in Scholarly Practice. Students are expected to a) write a manuscript that reports on the improvement science process; and b) produce a portfolio that provides evidence of learning and success in foundations, inquiry, and ARCO experiences.
Online Ed.D. in Special Education Programs
Are Ed.D. in Special Education Programs Offered Online?
Yes. Our rankings of 10 best online doctoral programs in special education and our program database contain a large number of Online Ed.D. in Special Education choices. In the database, we’ve flagged them with an “Offered Online” marker. You’ll find online doctoral programs in special education from big public schools (e.g. UF), Christian schools (e.g. Liberty University), and private research universities (e.g. Drexel University).
Do Online Ed.D. in Special Education Programs Contain Residencies?
Most Online Ed.D. programs in Special Education have on-campus components (e.g. intensives or residencies). They’re usually quite short and designed to accommodate working education professionals (e.g. summer visits). Schools may wish to see you for an orientation, qualifying exams, your dissertation proposal and/or your dissertation defense.
Having said that, there are 100% online Ed.D. programs in Special Education out there. Check with the Ed.D. program coordinator before applying.
Special Education Careers
Ed.D. in Special Education Jobs
Graduates with an Ed.D. in Special Education tend to seek directorial or leadership roles in the field. Some of these jobs involve the assessment and supervision of other special education teachers. Sample job titles include:
- Director of Special Education
- Director of Early Childhood Development & Intervention
- Special Education Coordinator
- Evaluation Coordinator at the District-Level
- Special Education Manager
- Professional Development Trainer
- Teacher Educator
- School Principal
- Special Education Consultant
- School Founder
Ed.D. in Special Education Salary
For salary estimates for Ed.D. in Special Education graduates, start with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and its annual wage data for:
- Special Education Teachers: Kindergarten & Elementary School
- Special Education Teachers: Middle School
- Special Education Teachers: Secondary School
- Special Education Teachers: All Other
Although these numbers are for teachers, they will give you a sense of the lower end of the salary spectrum in your area. The state maps will also show you where potential employment opportunities lie.
Once you have these data in hand, you can start looking up specific job titles on salary sites (e.g. Glassdoor, Indeed, Payscale, etc.). Special Education Directors can earn upwards of $90,000 per year, but the final number will depend on all kinds of factors, including your level of experience, geographic area, and certifications.
Is an Ed.D. in Special Education Worth It?
- If you work in the field of special education, and plan to continue to do so for a long time, even the relatively small teacher pay increase will more than compensate for the cost of a low- to moderately-priced Ed.D. program in the field.
- If you aspire to direct a special education program, an Ed.D. may make the small number of highly competitive positions in this field accessible to you in ways that a master’s degree or Ed.S. would not.
As we’ve noted, this is not a particularly flexible major. The curriculum of an Ed.D. in Special Education tends to center on the specific goals and challenges of special education student communities.
- If you don’t already work in special education, but want to bring special education expertise into your educational administration or curriculum design work, you might consider pursuing a special education track within an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership or Curriculum and Instruction. This would give you both field-specific knowledge of special education and a degree that’s general enough to serve a broader range of career goals.
Special Education Resources and Organizations
- Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): The leading U.S. organization for special education students and the professionals who serve them, CEC offers a wide range of benefits, services, and resources.
- The Journal of Special Education (JSE): This peer-reviewed journal publishes original research in special education.
- National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC): This organization provides teacher and community resources relevant to students who are classified as gifted.
- National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET): More specialized than the National Educators’ Association, NASET deals with the needs of special education teachers.
- National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD): An advocacy and research clearinghouse, NCLD provides useful community resources on students affected by dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other learning disabilities.
School Listings
46 Schools Found
The University of Alabama
UA Online
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Grand Canyon University
College of Education
Phoenix, Arizona
Northcentral University
School of Education
Prescott Valley, Arizona
University of San Francisco
School of Education
San Francisco, California
University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus
School of Education and Human Development
Denver, Colorado
District of Columbia
George Washington University
Graduate School of Education and Human Development
Washington, District of Columbia
Nova Southeastern University
Fischler College of Education
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
University of Florida
College of Education
Gainesville, Florida
Augusta University
College of Education
Augusta, Georgia
Brenau University
College of Education
Gainesville, Georgia
EdD in Special Education
Offered Online
University of West Georgia
College of Education
Carrollton, Georgia
Valdosta State University
College of Education and Human Services
Valdosta, Georgia
Boise State University
College of Education
Boise, Idaho
Illinois State University
Department of Special Education
Normal, Illinois
National Louis University
National College of Education
Chicago, Illinois
American College of Education
Education Department
Indianapolis, Indiana
University of Northern Iowa
College of Education
Cedar Falls, Iowa
EdD in Special Education
Offered Online
Towson University
Department of Educational Technology and Literacy
Towson, Maryland
University of Maryland-College Park
College of Education
College Park, Maryland
American International College
School of Education
Springfield, Massachusetts
Western Michigan University
Department of Special Education and Literacy Studies
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Walden University
Riley College of Education & Leadership
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Winona State University
College of Education
Winona, Minnesota
Webster University
School of Education
Saint Louis, Missouri
New Jersey
Caldwell University
School of Education
Caldwell, New Jersey
Rutgers University
Graduate School of Education
Camden, New Jersey
New Mexico
University of New Mexico-Main Campus
Department of Special Education
Albuquerque, New Mexico
University of the Southwest
College of Education
Hobbs, New Mexico
New York
Columbia University in the City of New York
Department of Health & Behavior Studies
New York, New York
Hofstra University
School of Education
Hempstead, New York
North Dakota
University of North Dakota
Department of Teaching and Learning
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Kent State University at Kent
School of Foundations, Leadership and Administration
Kent, Ohio
University of Cincinnati
School of Human Services
Cincinnati, Ohio
Portland State University
Graduate School of Education
Portland, Oregon
Drexel University
School of Education
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Gwynedd Mercy University
School of Education
Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
College of Education
Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus
Department of Instruction and Learning
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
EdD in Special Education
Offered Online
EdD in Special Education - Applied Behavioral Analysis
Offered Online
South Dakota
University of South Dakota
Division of Educational Leadership
Vermillion, South Dakota
University of Memphis
Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership
Memphis, Tennessee
Houston Christian University
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Houston, Texas
Texas A & M University-Kingsville
Department of Educational Leadership and Technology
Kingsville, Texas
University of Houston-Clear Lake
Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
Houston, Texas
University of Houston
College of Education
Houston, Texas
Liberty University
School of Education
Lynchburg, Virginia
Regent University
School of Education
Virginia Beach, Virginia